Friday, December 5, 2014

Positive vibes are everywhere. Keep smiling!

The best things in life come for free. Raindrops in slow motion.  The rainbow that comes after. A warm smile from a stranger. The sound of a baby singing her first nursery rhyme. A colorful ice cream cone. Children with improvised instruments singing Christmas carols. It is not necessary to spend too much money or effort just to have a grand moment. Some people find it difficult to be happy because they never stop wanting more. And when that "more" is reached, they would want something else entirely different. The cycle continues and instead of being content and happy, this practice only sucks out body, mind and soul energy.

What they do not realize is that we are the one who creates our happiness. It is our choice and not other people's fault. It is no one's responsibility to make us happy. It is nobody's fault if we are not. No matter how perfect a person's life is, it will always be a combination of ups and downs. We do not get used to being sad or miserable; we just learn how to deal with it and move on. 

I agree, people who see life as the most precious gift are always the happiest. Positive vibes are everywhere. Keep smiling!  


  1. Yes, we must open our eyes to see small things that brings joy to the soul. We can never give enough smile or love or touch:)
    Have a wonderful Christmas season!

    1. Super agree! thanks po sa visit. have a great one, too! :-)

  2. I recently wrote something very similar! I am glad our thoughts are the same. Keep smiling :-)

    1. IKR! :-) I just read your post. Feels great to know that someone else enjoys life as much as I am. hihi
